Online Registration for the Conference on Geometry and Quantization
University of Luxembourg
September 7 till 11, 2009

Family Name
First Name
(including university)

Dates of the stay
from   /   / 
to   /   / 

Do you need an invitation letter, for a visa application?
Yes  No 

Do you want to present a short communication or a poster?
Yes  No 
If YES, send an email with a suggested title and an abstract to the conference under .
Indicated whether you prefer to present a short communication or a poster.
Please understand that only a limited number of time slots for short communications will be available.

Do you also want to attend the related summer school Geometry and Quantization (August 31 - September 5, 2009)?
Yes  No 
If YES, do not forget to register also on the homepage of the school.