Mathematics, Science and Technology

Mathematics, Science and Technology (MAST) is a Lecture Series that aims at sharing the most recent developments of mathematics and their applications in the Luxembourg scientific community.

The lectures of the Mathematics for Emerging Science and Technology (MEST) aim to build bridges between mathematics and other sciences by allowing highly distinguished researchers to present new mathematical tools with a strong impact on other disciplines, or progress in other fields made possible through the use of high level mathematics.

The lectures of the Mathematics and Applications (MA) will be devoted to the most recent and important developments in the research fields of the Mathematics Department both in fundamental and in applied mathematics.

These lectures are organized by the Mathematics Department of the University of Luxembourg, with the support of the FNR.


 October 2, 2018

Nalini Anantharaman, Delocalization of Schrödinger eigenfunctions

 December 4, 2018

Nicolas Bergeron, A hyperbolic manifold fibering over the circle (and a theorem of Ian Agol and Dani Wise)

 January 22, 2019

Sylvia Serfaty, Systems of points with Coulomb interactions

 February 26, 2019

Mark Podolskij, Variational sums in statistics and probability.

 March 12, 2019

Walter Bossert, Consistent Choice

 March 19, 2019

Moon Duchin, Mathematical interventions in democracy

 April 23, 2019

Fanny Kassel, Tessellations of the plane and beyond

 December 17, 2019

Indira Chatterji, A stroll in the world of finitely generated groups

 February 25, 2020

Vincent Borrelli, From Thurston's Corrugations to Smooth Fractals

Nalini Anantharaman

Delocalization of Schrödinger eigenfunctions

 October 2 2018    16:00 - 16:50
 MSA 3.520, Campus Belval

  There will be drinks and snacks after the talk


Nicolas Bergeron

A hyperbolic manifold fibering over the circle (and a theorem of Ian Agol and Dani Wise)

 December 4 2018    16:30 - 17:20
 MSA 3.520, Campus Belval

  There will be drinks and snacks after the talk
  Video of the lecture


Sylvia Serfaty

Systems of points with Coulomb interactions

 January 22 2019    16:10 - 17:00
 MSA 3.110, Campus Belval

  There will be drinks and snacks after the talk
  Video of the lecture


Mark Podolskij

Variational sums in statistics and probability

 February 26 2019    16:30 - 17:20
 MSA 3.520, Campus Belval

  There will be drinks and snacks after the talk
  Video of the lecture


Walter Bossert

Consistent Choice

 March 12 2019    16:30 - 17:20
 MSA 3.350, Campus Belval

  There will be drinks and snacks after the talk


Moon Duchin

Mathematical interventions in democracy

 March 19 2019    16:30 - 17:20
 MSA 3.110, Campus Belval

  There will be drinks and snacks after the talk
  Video of the lecture


Fanny Kassel

Tessellations of the plane and beyond

 April 23 2019    16:30 - 17:20
 MSA 3.040, Campus Belval

  There will be drinks and snacks after the talk


Indira Chatterji

A stroll in the world of finitely generated groups

 December 17 2019    16:00 - 16:50
 MSA 3.110, Campus Belval

  Video of the lecture


Vincent Borrelli

From Thurston's Corrugations to Smooth Fractals

 February 25 2020    16:30 - 17:20
 MSA 3.110, Campus Belval

  There will be drinks and snacks after the talk

  Video of the lecture


Scientific Committee. Stéphane Bordas, Conchita D'Ambrosio, Hugo Parlier, Giovanni Peccati, Antonella Perucca, Jean-Marc Schlenker (chair), Bruno Teheux, Gabor Wiese, Ludger Wirtz

Organizing Committee. Hugo Parlier, Jean-Marc Schlenker, Bruno Teheux