Welcome to my web page
I'm a professor of mathematics at the University of Luxembourg.
My interests are mainly in differential geometry as well as low-dimensional geometry and topology. But I'm also interested in a number of other topics, such as mathematical physics or computational geometry, and sometimes even in the sociology of science.
I was the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine of my university until Oct 20, 2023. I now have more time for science!
News and information
20.08.2024. Congratulations to Carl Lutz, who has obtained two separate fundings to join the group. Carl will join us on a DFG funding from Aug 2025 to Aug 2026, and then on an MSCA IF from Sept 2026 to Aug 2028. Welcome Carl!
20.08.2024. Congratulations to Nathaniel Sagman, who has obtained a tenure-track Assistant professor position at the U. North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Too bad that Nathaniel will leave the group at the end of Aug 2025.
20.08.2024. Congratulations to Abderrahim Mesbah for the defence of his PhD thesis, on The Weyl problem for unbounded surfaces in hyperbolic and anti-de Sitter space. All the best for the next step in his career, at Université Paris-Saclay.
10.08.2024. Congratulations to Bruno Dular on the AFR grant he obtained from FNR. This grant will fund his position during his thesis, from March 1, 2024 to the end, and until (at most) the end of Aug 2027.
12.06.2024. Congratulations to Jérémy Toulisse, former PhD candidate in the group, for his apointment to the Institut Universitaire de France! Jérémy was the first PhD candidate to defend in the group, back in 2015. He then obtained a 3-year postdoc position at USC, and now has a permanent position at the Université de Nice.
27.05.2024. Our PRIDE proposal, GRACE, has been selected for funding by FNR! Thanks to all those involved. We'll be expecting the first PhD candidates funded by GRACE by the end of 2024.
21.03.2024. Congratulations to Didac Martinez-Granado, who has just be awarded a MSCA Individual Fellowship. This European funding will allow Didac to extend his stay at the University of Luxembourg for two additional years after the end of his current FNR funding (AFR project with Singapore).
24.11.2023. Congratulations to Andrea Seppi, former postdoc (and former long-term visiting PhD student) in our department, for the ERC Consolidator grant that he just obtained! We are looking forward to more collaborations with him.
01.11.2023. Congratulations to Tom Cremaschi, who has obtained a tenure-track position at Trinity College Dublin. Unfortunately this means that Tom will leave the uni.lu in January 2024, after only 6 months of his MSCA fellowship, but we hope to see him back often!
01.09.2023. The Department of Mathematics is currently recruiting an Associate or full professor in mathematics, in the area of partial differential equations, analysis and numerical modelling.
Deadline for application: Oct 31, 2023. Apply here.
You can contact me or the head of department, Giovanni Peccati, for more information.
Deadline for application: Oct 31, 2023. Apply here.
You can contact me or the head of department, Giovanni Peccati, for more information.