For the bases 2,3,5 and 10 we have produced numeral coins (for paper print and for 3D print) that allow to represent all numbers up to 100.
Moreover, we have made an interactive website to play with numeral coins.
The interactive website (free, without advertisement, without data collection) is a collaboration with Imaginary (joint work with Daniel Ramos) and it is available here:
- The following files are meant to be printed in formats A4 and A3 respectively, ideally printing black and white on color paper.
- The numeral coins and their wallets, for bases 2,3,5,10: A4 and A3.
- The numeral coins and their wallets for base 2: A4 and A3.
- The numeral coins and their wallets for base 3: A4 and A3.
- The numeral coins and their wallets for base 5: A4 and A3.
- The numeral coins and their wallets for base 10: A4 and A3.
- The .stl files (ready for 3D print) and the printing instructions can be downloaded: zip.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
The stl files (produced by Dominique Breton) and the app (produced by Imaginary gGmbH) are a courtesy of the University of Luxembourg.
Many thanks to Fabio GĂ©nin for useful comments on the first version of the app.