Surveys, notes, etc

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Les enjeux de la bibliométrie pour les mathématiques
To appear in the Jan. 2008 issue of the "Gazette des Mathématiciens. Text as pdf.

Des immersions isométriques de surfaces aux variétés hyperboliques à bord convexe.
Proceedings of the Séminaire de Théorie Spectrale et Géométrie (available on the web site of the Institut Fourier, Grenoble). Text as dvi, ps or pdf.
This survey explains some results and many questions concerning 3-dimensional hyperbolic (or anti-de Sitter) manifolds with convex boundary.

La conjecture des soufflets, d'après I. Sabitov.
Séminaire Bourbaki, exposé 912, Novembre 2002. Astérisque No. 294 (2004), vii, 77--95. Text as dvi, ps or pdf.

Immersions isométriques de surfaces régulières et polyèdrales
Text as dvi, ps or pdf.
Text written for the defence of my "habilitation", on Jan. 17, 2000. It contains a short description of some recent results.

Convex surfaces in Lorentzian space-forms
Text as dvi, ps or pdf.
This was written for the proceedings of the Table ronde Arthur Besse de géométrie pseudo-riemannienne globale, Nancy 1998. Since those proceedings eventually disappeared into oblivion, this text remains here waiting for a reader.
It is a short expository text describing some results on convex isometric embeddings of smooth or polyhedral surfaces in Lorentzian space-forms. 

Papers for non-mathematicians

Article for the "Encyclopaedia Universalis", the main encyclopaedia in french (20 pp).

Espace (mathématiques)
A short article (5 pp) in a book, published by the "Encyclopaedia Universalis" (the main encyclopaedia in french), containing definitions of basic notions in all areas.
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