Journal "Travaux mathématiques"


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Conference proceedings



The journal « Travaux mathématiques » is published by the Mathematics Seminar of the University of Luxembourg. Even though the main focus of the journal is on original research articles, surveys and historical studies are also welcome.






Carine Molitor-Braun (University of Luxembourg)
Norbert Poncin (University of Luxembourg)


University of Luxembourg
Campus Limpertsberg
Mathematics Laboratory

avenue de la Faïencerie, 162A
L-1511 Luxembourg City
Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
Email: or

Associate Editors

Guy Kass (University of Luxembourg)
Jean Ludwig (University Paul Verlaine, Metz – University of Luxembourg)
Martin Schlichenmaier (University of Luxembourg)

Editorial Board

Bachir Bekka (University of Rennes)
Lionel Bérard-Bergery (University H. Poincaré, Nancy)
Martin Bordemann (University of Haute Alsace, Mulhouse)
Johannes Huebschmann (University of Lille)
Pierre Lecomte (University of Liège)
Jiang-Hua Lu (University of Hong Kong)
Raymond Mortini (University Paul Verlaine, Metz)
Jean-Paul Pier (University of Luxembourg)
Claude Roger (University Claude Bernard, Lyon)
Izu Vaisman (University of Haifa)
Robert Wolak (Jagellonian University, Cracov)



Instructions to authors

Manuscripts should be written in English, French or German. At least the final version of the manuscript should be written in Latex by using the following template (tex file or text file) and supplied electronically. 

Each paper must include an abstract of not more than 200 words, which should contain a brief but informative summary of the contents of the paper. If possible, this abstract should be written in English.

Authors should include in their papers one or more classification numbers, following the AMS Mathematics Subject Classification. Details of this scheme can be found in each Annual Index of Mathematical Reviews or on the web at

A few key words should also be indicated.

The manuscripts may be submitted either electronically or as hard copies (3 copies) to the following address:

University of Luxembourg
Campus Limpertsberg
Mathematics Laboratory

avenue de la Faïencerie, 162A
L-1511 Luxembourg City
Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
Email: or




In order to subscribe to the journal or to order different volumes separately, please write to the following address:

University of Luxembourg
Campus Limpertsberg

avenue de la Faïencerie, 162A
L-1511 Luxembourg City
Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

Price per issue: 9.50 € (carriage charges included)



