About me

  • On December 15, 2021, I defended my Ph.D. thesis in the field of non-commutative harmonic analysis on non-linear manifolds at the University of Luxembourg under the supervision of Prof. Martin Olbrich.
  • In Feb. 2022, directly after my Ph.D., I realized one of my childhood dreams of working for the European Space Agency (ESA) in the Space Safety Office in Darmstadt (Germany).
  • In Feb. 2023, I came back to the academia world as a postdoc in Prof. Christophe Ley's team in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Luxembourg, where I was funded by the ERA Chair in Mathematical Statistics and Data Science – SanDAL and later the Fondation National Luxembourg FNR - AFR Bilateral NASA Ames Research Center grant.

    My research interests and objectives: Establishing theoretical and numerical mathematical developments for solving differential equations for special spaces and approaching quantum mechanics problems.

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    Gebäude D (D2.207)
    Warburger Straße 100
    D-33098 Paderborn