Supergeometry and Applications

December 14-15, 2017, University of Luxembourg

Supported by:
University of Luxembourg
University of Luxembourg

Mathematics Research Unit
Mathematics Research Unit


Lastname Firstname Institution
Andersson Assar University of Luxembourg
Baumgarth Robert University of Luxembourg
Bruce Andrew University of Luxembourg
Duplij Steven University of Münster
Foresi Rita University of Bologna
Grabowski Janusz Polish Academy of Sciences
Hanisch Florian University of Potsdam
Kalugin Alexei University of Luxembourg
Khudaverdian Hovhannes University of Manchester
Li Yi University of Luxembourg
Merkulov Sergei University of Luxembourg
Pistalo Damjan University of Luxembourg
Poncin Norbert University of Luxembourg
Schlenker Jean-Marc University of Luxembourg
Škoda Zoran University of Zagreb
Voglaire Yannick University of Luxembourg
Živković Marko University of Luxembourg