Conférence C o m m é m o r a t i v e
Nikolai Neumaier

Gedenk-Kolloquium/Commemorative Colloquium

LMIA, Mulhouse, France
16 - 18 Juin, 2011

Neumaier foto
1971 - 2010

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Nikolai was born the 21. of August, 1971 in Zell am Harmersbach, a historic city in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He studied Physics and Mathematics at the University of Freiburg, Germany, where he obtained his Physics Diploma in 1998. In 2001 he obtained his Doctoral degree in Physics with "Summa cum laude" from Univ. of Freiburg. Prof. Dr. H. Römer and Prof. Dr. J. J. van der Bij (both at Univ. of Freiburg) were the supervisors of his thesis with the title ''Results of classification in deformation quantization". In 2007 he habilitated in physics, at the faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Univ. of Freiburg. The title of the written habilitation work is "About symmetry and reduction in deformation quantization". From 2003-2004 he held a post-doc position at the Mathematics  Dept. of the University of Frankfurt/M, Germany, with Markus Pflaum. In 2009 he visited the faculty of mathematics at University of Bonn as a temporary professor of mathematics.

The research interests of Nikolai included the field of (formal) deformation quantization as introduced in Bayen et al. as well as related topics of symplectic differential geometry and Hamiltonian mechanics. In his work he focused on a detailed study of different results on classification in the framework of deformation quantization. The method of Fedosov for the construction of star products and adaptions thereof to the specific additional structure of the symplectic manifold also played an important role in his work. In his diploma thesis he generalized the concept of ordering prescriptions. This work was continued in his doctoral thesis. He was able to provide a general formulation of Fedosov’s construction. Recently, he concentrated on a better understanding of phase space reduction in the framework of deformation quantization.

His most recent publications are:

Bordemann, M., Neumaier, N., Waldmann, S., Weiss, S.:Deformation Quantization of Surjective Submersions and Principal Fibre Bundles. Crelle Journal für die reine u. angew. Math. 639, 1-39 (2010).

Neumaier, N., Waldmann, S.: Deformation Quantization of Poisson Structures Associated to Lie Algebroids. SIGMA 5, 074, 29 pages (2009). Contribution to the Special Issue on Deformation Quantization.
Click here for a complete list of publications pub list

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  The meeting received financial support from:
  • Université de Haute Alsace, Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Informatique et Applications (LMIA), Mulhouse, France, and Conseil général du Haut Rhin, Colmar, France.
  • University of Luxembourg, Mathematics Research Unit, FSTC, Luxembourg.