Fanny Kassel: Sharpness and deformation of proper cocompact actions
Let G/H be a homogeneous space where G and H are reductive Lie groups, both noncompact. For instance, G/H could be the pseudo-Riemannian hyperbolic space H^{p,q} = SO(p,q+1)/O(p,q) for p,q\geq 1. In order to understand compact manifolds locally modeled on G/H, we study properly discontinuous and cocompact actions of discrete groups on G/H. We prove the so-called Sharpness Conjecture: such actions always satisfy a strong form of properness called sharpness. As an application, we show that when the real corank of G/H is one (e.g. G/H = H^{p,q} with p>q), any discrete group Gamma admitting a properly discontinuous and cocompact action on G/H is Gromov hyperbolic, and the set of such actions is characterized by an Anosov representation condition, defining an open subset of Hom(Gamma,G). This is joint work with Nicolas Tholozan.