Materials online
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The workshop will start on Wednesday morning (with the registration at 9 AM)
It will end on Friday around 4 PM.
Thursday evening is reserved for the
workshop dinner
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
December 9 | December 10 | December 11 |
9.00-9.30 |
registration/coffee |
9.30- 10.30 |
Strobl I |
Strobl II |
Strobl III |
10.30-11.00 |
coffee |
coffee |
coffee |
11.00- 12.00 |
Roubtsov |
Grabowski |
Qiu |
12.00- 13.45 |
. Lunch . |
13.45- 14.45 |
Škoda |
Ovsienko |
Khudaverdian |
15.00- 16.00 |
Bordemann I |
Bordemann II |
Bordemann III |
16.00-16.30 |
coffee |
coffee |
coffee |
16.30- 17.30 |
Gwilliam |
Laurent-Gengoux |
Mini courses
Martin Bordemann (Mulhouse): |
BRST within the framework of Poisson geometry
We shall first briefly describe Poisson manifolds, and the usual
phase space reduction process by means of coisotropic submanifolds.
We indicate the (deformation) quantization programme associated
to this by deformed algebras, their modules, and the algebra of endomorphisms.
We then deal with differential resolvents or Koszul-Tate-resolutions of
(function) rings B (of submanifolds) seen as modules over the (function) ring
A (of the ambient manifold). On the module of all module morphisms of the
resolution algebra we define the `big bracket' (defined by Lecomte and Roger)
which is an even graded Poisson bracket. It is then possible to combine
this with the Poisson bracket on the manifold to an even differential graded
Poisson algebra structure (for projective resolutions this can be made explicit
by means of the generalized Rothstein bracket) whose cohomology is isomorphic
to the reduced Poisson algebra in degree 0, a generalized version of the
BRST or BV construction for Poisson geometry. We comment on possible
quantizations: if one can turn the function ring B on the coisotropic submanifold into
a module of the deformed algebra A, then the above considerations may be seen
to `quantize' and realize one of the many forms to compute Ext_A(B,B) as has
been indicated by Sevastyanov.
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Thomas Strobl (Lyon): |
Higher Geometry in and inspired by Gauge Field Theories
We intend to give an introductory mini course to methods of gauging field theories on the one hand and its relation to new types of geometries on the other hand.
After recalling the conventional setting of gauge theories, related to isometries of the target space of the field theory in question, we show that one can enlarge
those methods and apply them to a much wider set of field theories, yielding new types of gauge theories. In the process of doing so, we will encounter Lie algebroids
or higher Lie algebroids over a base manifold equipped with suitably compatible geometric structures. We will devote a bit of time to studying these geometries in their
own right. In the last part of the course, finally, we will present a recent discovery of a curved Yang-Mills-Higgs theory. The target space of this theory is governed by the
curvature of a connection living in a Lie algebroid. If its curvature is zero, the Lie algebroid reduces to an action Lie algebroid and and the theory reduces to a conventional
Yang-Mills-Higgs theory. For curved target geometries one obtains a completely new theory, which awaits to be studied on the mathematical as well as physical level.
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Janusz Grabowski (Warsaw): |
Higher Lagrangian mechanics on graded bundles
We describe a quite general covariant and geometric set-up of higher order Lagrangian mechanics for which the
(higher order) velocities get replaced with elements of a graded bundle, i.e. a higher generalization of vector bundle.
To realize this, we employ the notion of a linearization of a graded bundle and a weighted Lie algebroid.
The latter is a manifold carrying simultaneously the structure of a graded bundle and a Lie algebroid that are compatible in a precise sense.
The approach we develop makes use of first order mechanics on Lie algebroids subject to affine vakonomic constraints and, as a result,
we are lead to consider relations as opposed to genuine maps.
The higher order flavour is due to the additional grading: there is an associated series of affine fibrations that mimic higher order tangent bundles.
The standard description of higher order Lagrangian mechanics can naturally be accommodated within this framework, as can higher order mechanics on a Lie algebroid.
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Owen Gwilliam (Bonn): |
Lie algebroids and L-∞ spaces
This talk will introduce and describe the idea of an L-∞-space, which presents a particularly tractable type of derived stack, in much the same way
that an L-∞-algebra presents a deformation problem. Lie algebroids will provide a motivating source of examples. We hope to explain applications of
this formalism to quantum field theory at the end.
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Hovhannes Khudaverdian (Manchester): |
Odd laplacian and modular class of an odd Poisson supermanifold
We define the modular class of an odd Poisson supermanifold
in terms of second order odd operator acting on half-densities.
We study relations of the modular class of an odd Poisson supermanifold, modular class of an usual Poisson manifold, and BV operator (odd Laplacian for an odd symplectic supermanifold). We consider examples of odd Poisson manifolds with non-vanishing modular classes related with
the Nijenhuis bracket of form valued vector fields.
The talk is based on the joint paper with M. Peddie: arXiv: 1509.05686
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Camille Laurent-Gengoux (Metz): |
L-∞ algebroids of singular foliations
We will describe in concrete terms the L-infinity structures associated to a singular foliation, and explain whhy there are all equivalent.
We will explain how it relates to several classical constructions using Lie groupoids or bisubmersions. We will also give examples and counter-examples.
Joint work with Sylvain Lavau and Thomas Strobl.
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Valentin Ovsienko (Reims): |
Superfriezes and superclusters
I will describe a supersymmetric analog of the Coxeter frieze patterns, related with linear difference operators generalizing classical Hill's operators.
(This part of the talk is a joint work with S. Morier-Genoud and S. Tabachnikov.) Using superfriezes as a starting example,
I will then present an attempt to develop the notion of cluster superalgebra.
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Vladimir Roubtsov (Angers): |
Painleve monodromy varieties: classical and quantum
We introduce the notion of bordered cusped Teichmüller space as the Teichmüller space of Riemann
surfaces with at least one hole and at least one bordered cusp on the boundary. We propose a combinatorial
graph description of this bordered cusped Teichmüller space and endow it with a Poisson structure in such a
way that quantization can be achieved with a canonical quantum ordering. A notion of decorated character
varieties for Painleve confluented equations is introduced.
We discuss various quantum algebras arised in this context.
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Jian Qiu (Uppsala): |
Complete integrability and quantization of Hermitian symmetric spaces
Quantization of Poisson manifolds by means of the symplectic groupoid is an approach proposed by Weistein as an alternative
to the Kontsevich deformation quantization.
The output of the quantization is an algebra of quantum observables rather than the quantum states. In this talk, I shall describe
an instance where this approach can be carried out in all detail. The hermitian symmetric spaces possess a Poisson structure and at
the same time a compatible symplectic structure, and one can use the two structures to show that the symplectic groupoid is completely
integrable, i.e. with a maximal amount of commutating hamiltonians. The quantization is then completed by choosing a polarisation and
considering the Bohr-Sommerfield leaves of the hamiltonians.
Key words: quantization, symplectic groupoids, Poisson-Lie groups, bi-hamiltonian geometry.
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Zoran Škoda (Zagreb): |
Some examples of Hopf algebroids and generalizations
There are several distinct notions of quantum groupoids in
the literature. Most explored are Hopf algebroids (in several
versions). Ping Xu exhibited appearances of Hopf algebroids
in deformation quantization around 2000.
I will present several examples which fit into his setting,
but are studied in an explicit detail from a different point of view,
with inputs from Lie theory, study of formal
differential operators and physics.
Then, I will use this insight to sketch a geometric generalization
which fits the interpretation of quantum groupoids, but are
more general than Hopf algebroids. Finally, I will outline
a 2-categorical analogue.
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