



October 25th Inter$^2$ seminar - Mike Tibolt (Arcelor Mittal)

October 25th Inter$^2$ seminar - Mike Tibolt (Arcelor Mittal)

Mike Tibolt studied Civil Engineering at the University of Luxembourg with exchange semesters at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, at the Technical University of Darmstadt and at ESSTIN (Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Technologies de l'Ingénieur de Nancy), France. He holds a doctoral degree in Engineering Science from the University of Luxembourg. Mike joined ArcelorMittal Global R&D in 2015, as a research engineer in the fields of steel composite bridges, fracture mechanics and steel lattice towers with angle sections.

Title: Mike Tibolt presents current and future challenges of low emission steel production

Abstract: The first part of the presentation resumes the different research topics Mike was involved during his career as a research engineer and highlights the need for an interdisciplinary research approach in the field of steel application in construction. The current and future challenges for the production of low emission steels will be tackled in the second part of the presentation. Finally, the presentation will be concluded with an outlook on future research needs for the steel industry in Luxembourg.

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