The Société Mathématique du Luxembourg (SML) is the national society of the mathematics professions in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

  • We represent the mathematics professions in Luxembourg, to promote mathematics.
  • We represent Luxembourg among other mathematical societies. The SML is a corporate member of the European Mathematical Society. We are also a member of the International Mathematics Union. This promotes international cooperations.
  • We organize conferences, workshops, seminars, round table discussions etc., to foster exchanges.
  • We edit selected publications of research findings, survey articles, books and lecture notes, to contribute to the developing of mathematics.
  • We provide a network for professional mathematicians working in Luxembourg, whether in academia, industry, or in schools, to support mathematicians.
  • We deliver prizes to exceptional pupils and students, to foster talents. We also support undergraduate research through mentoring.
  • We organize a variety of outreach events, to promote mathematics to selected audiences or to the general public.

A Few Accomplishments

Developing Mathematics

Our members, as professional mathematicians, get national and international recognition. See also the SML Journal Travaux Mathématiques.

Outreach Activities

Our members contribute to mathematical outreach with a variety of initiatives. See the dedicated page.


We deliver book prizes to the best students in the Bachelor and in the Master of the University of Luxembourg. See the awardees.

Undergraduate Research

Our members support projects of undergraduate research (pupils and students may publish papers). See also the EML page.

Didactics Material

Our members produce freely available material, for example the Visual Mathematics Dictionary. See also this page.


SML Benefits.
  • As a member of the SML, you support Mathematics and mathematicians in Luxembourg and efforts to get backing for mathematics from Luxembourg and European institutions.
  • You can join the European Mathematical Society (EMS) via the SML and benefit from a reduced EMS membership fee (40€ instead of 80€). Benefits include inter alia a free subscription to the EMS newsletter. EMS members receive discount on various books and journals and have reduced registration fees for many conferences and meetings (please view the benefits listed on the EMS webpage). The payment for the EMS needs to be done to the SML account (with the reference: Your NAME, "European Mathematical Society").
  • The SML has also reciprocity agreements with the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (RSME) and the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV).
  • SML members have about 50 % discount on the membership fee for AMS and RSME. For AMS, this includes a free subscription to the AMS notices and the Bulletin of the AMS (please view the AMS membership benefits on the AMS webpage). SML members having their regular residence outside of Germany have a reduced annual membership fee of 50€ for DMV. The benefits of a full DMV membership include the DMV Mitteilungen and another Journal of the DMV (e.g. Jahresbericht der DMV). In return, members of the DMV can become members of the SML for the reduced fee of 10€.
  • SML members benefit from reduced registration fees for SML co-sponsored meetings and a discount on the subscription to the Journal “Travaux mathématiques” co-edited by the SML.
SML Bank account.
Société Mathématique du Luxembourg
IBAN: LU48 1111 0630 6313 0000

How to apply to SML.
  • The annual membership fee of the SML is 20 Euros. It can be payed by bank transfer to the SML account, with reference: Membership fee year "please write the subscription year"
  • For new members: Payment of the membership fee is to be accompanied by the signed
    Membership Application Form (pdf)
    To apply, please print out and complete our application form and send it to the SML postal address (please do not send any money with the application form). Your Membership will become effective with the approval of the Executive Board and the receipt of the membership fee.
  • The data of SML members is stored in Luxembourg. To modify or cancel the data, or to have further information concerning the use or storage of the data, please contact the SML (

SML Executive Board

  • President. Giovanni Peccati, Full Professor in Mathematics (Probability)
  • Vice-President. Gabor Wiese, Full Professor in Mathematics (Number Theory)
  • Treasurer. Karin Melnick, Full Professor in Mathematics (Differential Geometry)
  • Secretary. Bruno Teheux, Assistant Professor in Mathematics (Algebra and Logic)
  • Christophe Ley, Associate Professor in Mathematics (Applied Statistics)
  • Guenda Palmirotta, Researcher (Harmonic and Spectral Analysis) at the University of Paderborn
  • Antonella Perucca, Associate Professor of Mathematics and its Didactics (Number Theory)
  • Jang Schiltz, Associate Professor (Financial Mathematics)
  • Jean-Marc Schlenker, Full Professor in Mathematics (Differential and Hyperbolic Geometry)
  • Anton Thalmaier, Emeritus Professor (Stochastic Analysis)
Former Presidents.
1989 - 1992: Prof. Jean-Paul Pier, Founder and Honorary president, (†)
1992 - 1993: Prof. Jean Ludwig
1993 - 2002: Prof. Jean-Paul Pier
2002 - 2006: Prof. Carine Molitor-Braun
2006 - 2010: Prof. Norbert Poncin
2010 - 2022: Prof. Martin Schlichenmaier

Other societies in Luxembourg

  • The Association des Mathématiciens Luxembourgeois (AML) is the teachers' association that, in particular, is officially in charge of the mathematical competitions in Luxembourgish schools and at an international level (IMO, EGMO, BxMO). It also represents Luxembourg within the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI).
  • The Société Luxembourgeoise de Statistique (SLS) is the Luxembourgish Statistical Society, that aims at promoting statistics both at a theoretical and applied level. It has a variety of partners in Luxembourg and in Europe.
  • The Institut Grand-Ducal (Section des Sciences), founded in 1850, is a scientific society that promotes within Luxembourg Science in general and, in particular, mathematics.

Contact the SML

Postal Address
Luxembourg Mathematical Society
University of Luxembourg, Campus Belval
Department of Mathematics, MNO
6, avenue de la Fonte
L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

+352 46 66 66 6944
