Immersed in a game driven universe, players of all ages and backgrounds experience the nature of mathematical research.
No equation, no formalism… just the pleasure of mathematical exploration.
Beware of mathematics addiction!
The experience is designed by Hugo Parlier and Bruno Teheux from the Departement of Mathematics of the University of Luxembourg. Students and faculty members of the Science Department of Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi have been helping mediate the activities.
One board, two types of moves and a slew of rings of colors… Learn the rules in seconds, play for hours…
Involution and Revolution are recombination games that open the doors of a mathematical universe at the crossroads of algebra and computer science.
Come play and explore slider puzzles with unexpected twists: the Quadratis games are based on ideas stemming from the math of combinations, shapes and space.
Take a fast track to the frontier of knowledge!