Sommersemester 2008
Seminar on Iwasawa Theory of Elliptic Curves


Iwasawa theory studies arithmetic objects in certain p-adic towers of number fields. In this seminar we will focus on the classical case of Z_p-extensions. We will discuss and prove the structure theory of finitely generated modules over the Iwasawa algebra. This will then allow us to derive Iwasawa's theorem on the behaviour of the p-part of the class number in a Z_p-extension of a number field.

Then we will move on to elliptic curves, treating the contents of Greenberg's Introduction to Iwasawa Theory for Elliptic Curves. The principal result that we will obtain will be a theorem of Mazur's stating that the rank of an elliptic curve in a Z_p-extension of a number field F is bounded if the Mordell-Weil group and the p-part of the Tate-Shafarevich-group at F are finite.

If time allows, we will make first steps on towards p-adic L-functions and Iwasawa's main conjecture.


The final version of the programme can be downloaded here.

09/04/2008Introduction Gabor Wiese
Z_p-extensions Adam Mohamed
23/04/2008 No seminar due to the inauguration ceremony.---
The completed group algebra and class groups in Z_p-extensions Eduardo Ocampo
The Iwasawa algebra (notes) Marcel Mohyla
28/05/2008 Modules of the Iwasawa algebra Ralf Butenuth
04/06/2008 Iwasawa's theorem (notes)Marios Magioladitis
Some Galois cohomology Eduardo Ocampo
25/06/2008 Elliptic curves and Galois cohomology (I)Gabor Wiese
02/07/2008 Elliptic curves and Galois cohomology (II) Björn Buth
09/07/2008 Mazur's control theorem Oscar Ledesma
16/07/2008 Corollaries of Mazur's control theorem (slides)Lassina Dembélé

Last modification: 12 August 2008.