(with Nathaniel Sagman) "Compatibility of Goldman's symplectic form with the complex structure on the SL(3,R) Hitchin component", [ArXiv, 14
(with Nathaniel Sagman) "Holomorphic dependence for the Beltrami equation in Sobolev spaces", submitted [ArXiv, 12
(with Nathaniel Sagman) "On a Bers Theorem for SL(3,C)", submitted [ArXiv, 79
(with Filippo Mazzoli, Andrea Seppi, Andrea Tamburelli) "A null-hyperKähler structure on the space of minimal surfaces in the Half-Pipe 3-space", in progress.
"A metric uniformization model for the Quasi-Fuchsian space", submitted [ArXiv, 45
(with Andrea Seppi) "Rigidity of minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms between spherical cone
surfaces", J. Éc. polytech. Math.9(2022), 581–600. [ArXiv, 17
(with Andrea Seppi) "On the Gauss map of equivariant immersions in hyperbolic space",
J. Topol.15(2022), no.1, 238–301. [ArXiv, 55
(with Francesco Bonsante) "On immersions of surfaces into SL(2,C) and geometric
consequences", Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN(2022), no.12, 8803–8864.. [ArXiv, 57
"On PSL(2, C) and on the space of geodesics of H^3 as Riemannian holomorphic manifolds", Actes du séminaire Théorie Spectrale et Géométrie of Institut Fourier,
Volume 35 (2017-2019), p. 9-21. [ArXiv, 12 pages]
PhD thesis
"Immersions of surfaces into SL(2,C) and into the space of geodesics of Hyperbolic
[ArXiv, 210 pages]
Former organizer of the PhD seminar Se mi narri di Matematica at the
Mathematics Department of the
University of Pavia
Organizer of the event "International Women in Mathematics Day" at the Mathematics Department of
the University of Pavia, 12/05/2020
Given and upcoming talks
”On a Bers Theorem for SL(3,C)”, MPI Leipzig, November 2024.
”On a Bers Theorem for SL(3,C)”, Submanifolds of locally symmetric spaces: geometric, analytic and dynamical aspects, Autrans, April 2024.
"A metric uniformization of quasi-Fuchsian space", Luxembourg, May 2023.
"The holomorphic extension of the Weil-Petersson metric to the quasi-Fuchsian space", Nice, February 2023.
"Minimal Lagrangian maps between closed spherical cone surfaces are isometries", AMS-EMS-SMF 2022 congress, Grenoble, July 2022.
"Le mappe minimali lagrangiane tra superfici sferiche chiuse sono isometrie.", Pavia, June 2022.
"Immersions of surfaces into SL(2,C) as an approach to transition geometry"
Florida State University, March 2021.
"Families of equivariant immersions in H^3 with holomorphic holonomy"
Pangolin seminar, February 2021. [Youtube]
"Che forma ha un mondo perfetto? Un approccio alle varietà Riemanniane con molte simmetrie"
Se mi narri di Matematica, University of Pavia, June 2020.
"On immersions of surfaces in PSL(2,C) and on orthogonal structures on the complexified tangent
bundle of surfaces"
Geometry and Topology seminar, University of Luxembourg, October 2019.
"On immersions of surfaces into the space of geodesics of hyperbolic 3-space: a link between
complex-valued metrics and projective structures" Séminaire Théorie Spectrale et Géométrie, Institut
Fourier, Grenoble, April 2019.
"On immersions of surfaces in PSL(2,C) and on orthogonal structures on the complexified tangent
bundle of surfaces"
Geometry and Topology seminar, University of Luxembourg, November 2018.