GALF Project
ANR-18-CE40-0029 & FNR/INTER/ANR/18/12589973
Galois representations, automorphic forms and their L-functions
2019 - 2024
- M. De Maria, PhD Thesis, Universities of Lille and Luxembourg (jointly supervised by M. Dimitrov and G. Wiese), 2020.
- Shaunak V. Deo, Mladen Dimitrov, and Gabor Wiese. Unramifiedness of weight 1 Hilbert Hecke algebras. Algebra Number Theory, 18(8):1465–1496, 2024
- Mladen Dimitrov and Alexandre Maksoud. L-invariants of Artin motives. Ann. Math. Qué., 47(1):49–71, 2023
- Shaunak V. Deo and Anna Medvedovsky. Mod-2 Hecke algebras of level 3 and 5. Selecta Math. (N.S.), 30(5):Paper No. 90, 2024
- Shaunak V. Deo and Gabor Wiese. Dihedral universal deformations. Res. Number Theory, 6(3):Paper No. 29, 37, 2020
- Mladen Dimitrov and Gabor Wiese. Unramifiedness of Galois representations attached to Hilbert modular forms mod p of weight 1 J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 19, No. 2, 281-306, 2020
- Alexandre Maksoud. A canonical generator for congruence ideals of Hida families. arXiv:2312.16706, 2023
- Alexandre Maksoud. On the rank of Leopoldt’s and Gross’s regulator maps. Doc. Math., 28(6):1441–1471, 2023
- Alexandre Maksoud. On generalized main conjectures and p-adic Stark conjectures for Artin motives. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 377(6):3845–3904, 2024
- Alexandre Maksoud. Théorie d’Iwasawa des motifs d’Artin et des formes modulaires de poids 1. Accepted in Annales Inst. Fourier, 2024
- Emiliano Torti. On the existence of analytic families of G-stable lattices and their reductions. arXiv:2401.00462, 2023
- Adel Betina, Shaunak V. Deo, and Francesc Fité. On the Hilbert eigenvariety at exotic and CM classical weight 1 points Math. Z., 298(3-4):1077–1096, 2021
- Shaunak V. Deo. Effect of increasing the ramification on pseudo-deformation rings. J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux, 34(1):189–236, 2022
- Shaunak V. Deo. On density of modular points in pseudo-deformation rings. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, (21):18443–18499, 2023
- Shaunak V. Deo. The Eisenstein ideal of weight k and ranks of Hecke algebras. J. Inst. Math. Jussieu, 23(2):983–1017, 2024
- Shaunak V. Deo. Non-optimal levels of some reducible mod p modular representations. 2024. Accepted for publication in Adv. Math.
- Shaunak V. Deo, Anwesh Ray, and R. Sujatha. On the μ equals zero conjecture for fine Selmer groups in Iwasawa theory. Pure Appl. Math. Q., 19(2):641–680, 2023
- Fabrizio Andreatta and Adrian Iovita. Triple product p-adic L-functions associated to finite slope p-adic families of modular forms. Duke Math. J., 170(9):1989–2083, 2021
- Fabrizio Andreatta and Adrian Iovita. Katz type p-adic L-functions for primes p non-split in the CM field. Accepted in Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 2024
- Denis Benois and Kâzim Büyükboduk. Interpolation of Beilinson-Kato elements and p-adic L-functions. Ann. Math. Qué., 46(2):231–287, 2022
- Denis Benois and Kâzim Büyükboduk. On the exceptional zeros of p-non-ordinary p-adic L-functions and a conjecture of Perrin-Riou. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 376(1):231–284, 2023
- Denis Benois and Kâzim Büyükboduk. Arithmetic of critical p-adic L-functions. Accepted in Memoirs of AMS
- Nicolas Bergeron, Pierre Charollois, and Luis E. García. Eisenstein cohomology classes for GLN over imaginary quadratic fields. J. Reine Angew. Math., 797:1–40, 2023
- Nicolas Bergeron, Pierre Charollois, and Luis E. García. Cocycles de groupe pour GLn et arrangements d’hyperplans volume 39 of CRM Monograph Series. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2023
- Nicolas Bergeron, Pierre Charollois, and Luis E. García. Elliptic units for complex cubic fields. arXiv:2311.04110
- Adel Betina and Mladen Dimitrov. A geometric view on Iwasawa theory. J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux, 33(3):703–731, 2021
- Adel Betina and Mladen Dimitrov. Geometry of the eigencurve at CM points and trivial zeros of Katz p-adic L-functions. dv. Math., 384:Paper No. 107724, 43, 2021
- Lea Beneish, Henri Darmon, Lennart Gehrmann, and Martí Roset. The Gross–Kohnen–Zagier theorem via p-adic uniformization 2024, Math Annalen
- Daniel Barrera, Mladen Dimitrov, and Andrei Jorza. p-adic L-functions of Hilbert cusp forms and the trivial zero conjecture. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS), 24(10):3439–3503, 2022,
- Massimo Bertolini, Henri Darmon, David Lilienfeldt, and Kartik Prasanna. Generalised Heegner cycles and the complex Abel-Jacobi map. Math. Z., 298(1-2):385–418, 2021
- Adel Betina, Mladen Dimitrov, and Alice Pozzi On the failure of Gorensteinness at weight 1 Eisenstein points of the eigencurve. Amer. J. Math., 144(1):227–265, 2022
- Massimo Bertolini, Henri Darmon, Victor Rotger, Marco Adamo Seveso, and Rodolfo Venerucci. Heegner points, Stark-Heegner points, and diagonal classes. stérisque 2022, no. 434
- Adel Betina, Mladen Dimitrov, and Sheng-Chi Shih. Eisenstein points on the Hilbert cuspidal eigenvariety 2023, arXiv:2311.08361
- Massimo Bertolini, Henri Darmon, and Rodolfo Venerucci. Heegner points and Beilinson-Kato elements: a conjecture of Perrin-Riou. Adv. Math., 398:Paper No. 108172, 50, 2022
- Daniel Barrera, Mladen Dimitrov, Chris Williams. On p-adic L-functions for GL(2n) in finite-slope Shalika families arXiv:2103.10907
- Daniel Barrera, Mladen Dimitrov, Andrew Graham, Andrei Jorza, Chris Williams. On p-adic interpolation of branching laws for GL(2n) : branching laws, Shalika families and p-adic L-functions arXiv:2211.08126
- Denis Benois. p-adic heights and p-adic Hodge theory. Mém. Soc. Math. Fr. (N.S.), (167):vi + 135, 2021
- Denis Benois. An introduction to p-adic Hodge theory. In Perfectoid spaces, Infosys Sci. Found. Ser., pages 69–219. Springer, Singapore, 2022
- D. Benois and S. Horte. On extra zeros of p-adic Rankin-Selberg L-functions. St. Petersburg Math. J., 34(6):929–989, 2023
- E. Caeiro and H. Darmon. The Heegner-Stark theorem and Stark-Heegner points. Preprint.
- Henri Darmon and Michele Fornea. Mock plectic points arXiv:2310.16758
- Henri Darmon, Lennart Gehrmann, and Michael Lipnowski. Rigid meromorphic cocycles for orthogonal groups arXiv:2308.14433
- Mladen Dimitrov and Chi-Yun Hsu. Eigenvariety for partially classical Hilbert modular form arXiv:2403.09784
- Henri Darmon, Michael Harris, Victor Rotger, and Akshay Venkatesh. The derived Hecke algebra for dihedral weight one forms. Michigan Math. J., 72:145–207, 2022
- Mladen Dimitrov, Fabian Januszewski, and A. Raghuram. L-functions of GL2n: p-adic properties and non-vanishing of twists. Compos. Math., 156(12):2437–2468, 2020
- Henri Darmon and Alan Lauder. Stark points on elliptic curves via Perrin-Riou’s philosophy. Ann. Math. Qué., 47(1):31–48, 2023
- Henri Darmon and Alice Pozzi. Flach classes and generalised Hecke eigenvalues. Preprint
- Henri Darmon, Alice Pozzi, and Jan Vonk. Diagonal restrictions of p-adic Eisenstein families. Math. Ann., 379(1-2):503–548, 2021
- Henri Darmon, Alice Pozzi, and Jan Vonk. The values of the Dedekind-Rademacher cocycle at real multiplication points. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS), 26(10):3987–4032, 2024
- Henri Darmon and Victor Rotger. p-adic families of diagonal cycles. Number 434, pages 29–75. 2022
- Henri Darmon and Jan Vonk. Singular moduli for real quadratic fields: a rigid analytic approach. Duke Math. J., 170(1):23–93, 2021,
- Henri Darmon and Jan Vonk. Arithmetic intersections of modular geodesics. J. Number Theory, 230:89–111, 2022
- Henri Darmon and Jan Vonk. Real quadratic Borcherds products. Pure Appl. Math. Q., 18(5):1803–1865, 2022
- Mladen Dimitrov. Eigenvariety for partially classical Hilbert modular forms. arXiv:2403.0978
- Sofia Giampietro and Henri Darmon. A p-adic approach to singular moduli on Shimura curves. Involve, 15(2):345–365, 2022
- Adrian Iovita, Jackson S. Morrow, and Alexandru Zaharescu. On p-adic uniformization of abelian varieties with good reduction. Compos. Math., 158(7):1449–1476, 2022. With an appendix by Yeuk Hay Joshua Lam and Alexander Petrov
- Adrian Iovita, Jackson S. Morrow, and Alexandru Zaharescu. Ramification of p-power torsion points of formal groups. arXiv:2205.04608
- Daniel Barrera and Luis Palacios. Geometry of the Bianchi eigenvariety around non-cuspidal points and strong multiplicity-one results. Preprint.
- Gautier Ponsinet. Bloch-Kato groups over perfectoid fields and Galois theory of p-adic periods. arXiv:2412.00227
- Abhinandan. Syntomic complex and p-adic nearby cycles. arXiv:2308.10736