GALF Project
ANR-18-CE40-0029 & FNR/INTER/ANR/18/12589973
Galois representations, automorphic forms and their L-functions
2019 - 2024
Closing conference on Galois Representations, Automorphic Forms and their L-functions
Our closing conference will be held at the University of Luxembourg on July 1-5, 2024.
Registration for the conference is closed.
Please send an e-mail to Gabor Wiese or to Alexandre Maksoud if you have any questions about the conference.
Rebecca Bellovin, Tobias Berger, Adel Betina, Fred Diamond, Andrew Graham, Chi-Yun Hsu, Andreea Iorga,
Fabian Januszewski, Andrei Jorza, Jaclyn Lang, Loic Merel, Stefano Morra, Isabella Negrini, Luis Palacios, Marco Sangiovanni-Vicentelli, Gergely Zabraidi
The conference will start on 1 July 2024 at 10:00 and will end on 5 July 2024 at 11:30. Detailed schedule
Practical information
University of Luxembourg, Belval campus
Maison du Savoir (MSA)
2, avenue de l'Université
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette
Campus Information
GPS : 49.504184 | 5.9491816
How to access Belval Campus
Trains departing every 15 minutes from Luxembourg Central Station are direct to "Belval-Université" - line is connection-free via Esch-sur-Alzette. Get information on train schedules on the CFL’s website. All public transport (busses, tram, trains in 2nd class) in Luxembourg is free and no ticket is required. When on site, access to MSA is easy on foot.
Organizing Committee
Denis Benois (Université de Bordeaux), Mladen Dimitrov (Université de Lille), Alexandre Maksoud (Paderborn Universität), Gabor Wiese (University of Luxembourg)