Third International Conference on Geometry and Quantization


at the University of Luxembourg

September 7 - 11, 2009


Conference Fee

The conference fee is 75 Euro, which covers coffee breaks, conference material, and contributes to other local costs.
The fee should be preferable paid by bank transfer to the following account of the University of Luxembourg.

Account Holder: University of Luxembourg, 162 A, Avenue de la Faiencerie, L 1511- Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Bank name: BCEE,
Bank address: 1-2, place de Metz, L-1930 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Account number (IBAN): LU71 0019 2355 9897 2000
Necessary Information to be added to the transfer is:  F1R-MTH-EVT-09GEQV (Conference Geoquant 2009)
You will receive at the conference a receipt for the payment of the conference fee.
In case that money transfer is not possible you might pay at the registration of the conference the conference fee in cash (in Euro). We regret that payments with credit cards are not possible.