List of Speakers:
- Andersen, Jorgen, Aarhus, Denmark
The Hitchin connection, Toeplitz operators and TQFT
- Baier, Thomas, Lisbon, Portugal
Geometric quantization of families of degenerating complex structures
- Bondal, Alexey, Aberdeen, UK
Orthogonal decomposition of Lie algebras and a problem of quantum information
- Charles, Laurent, Paris, France:
Quantization of polygon space
- Dai, Xianzhe, Santa Barbara, USA:
The asymptotic expansion of Bergman kernel
- Driver, Bruce, San Diego, USA:
Holomorphic functions and subelliptic heat kernels over Lie group
- Englis, Mirek, Prague, Tschech Republic:
Toeplitz quantization on real symmetric domains
- Fujita, Hajime, Tokyo, Japan:
Torus fibrations and localization of index
- Gorodentsev, Alexey, Moscow, Russia:
Functorial A infinity coproduct of combinatorial
simplicial chains that induces itself under barycentric subdivision
- Huebschmann, Johannes, Lille, France:
Line bundles on moduli and related spaces
- Kaledin, Dmitry, Moscow, Russia:
Cotangent bundles of complex Grassmanians and representation theory
- Karabegov, Alexander, Abilene, USA:
Formal symplectic groupoids with separation of variables and Bergman
- Kori, Tosiaki, Tokyo, Japan:
Geometric pre-quantization of SU(N) flat connections on 3-manifolds
- Khudaverdian, Hovhannes, Manchester, UK:
Differential forms in an odd symplectic geometry and Pfaffians
- Ma, Xiaonan, Paris, France
Bergman kernel and geometric quantization
- Mano, Toshiyuki, Kyoto, Japan:
The Riemann-Wirtinger integral and its application
- Marinescu, George, Köln, Germany:
Toeplitz operators on complex and symplectic manifolds
- Moriyama, Takayuki, Kyoto, Japan
Deformations of transverse Calabi-Yau structures
on foliated manifolds
- Natanzon, Sergey, Moscow, Russia:
Topological string theory
- Nohara, Yuichi, Nagoya, Japan:
Toric degenerations of Gelfand-Cetlin systems
and potential functions
- Osipov, Denis, Moscow, Russia:
Formal groups arising from formal punctured ribbons
- Paoletti, Robert, Milano, Italy:
Local asymptotics for Toeplitz operators
- Shadrin, Sergey, Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
An explicit construction of BCOV cohomological field theory
- Schottenloher, Martin, Munich, Germany
The geometric phase in QED
- Sheinman, Oleg, Moscow, Russia:
Lax operator algebras and integrable systems
- Shoikhet, Boris, Luxembourg
Bialgebras and n-monoidal categories
- Talalaev, Dmitry, Moscow, Russia:
Bethe Ansatz and Isomonodromic transformations
- Tate, Tatsuya, Nagoya, Japan:
An asymptotic Euler-Maclaurin formula for Delzant polytopes
- Treschev, Dmitry, Moscow, Russia:
Non-commutative structures and operators on Hilbert spaces
- Tyurin, Nikolai, Dubna, Russia:
Non toric lagrangian fibrations of toric (and non toric) Fano varieties
- Upmeier, Harald, Marburg, Germany:
Generalized Fock spaces on Jordan varieties
- Yoshida, Takahiko, Japan:
Torus fibrations and localization of index -application to
locally toric Lagrangian fibrations
- Wendland, Katrin, Augsburg, Germany:
Asymptotic analysis for unitary conformal field theories
can be found
here as pdf file
On Thurday, September 10, 2009 there will be a poster session.
If you want to present a poster, please register for it during
the registration process at the conference.