Karin Melnick

Department of Mathematics
University of Luxembourg
6 avenue de la Fonte
L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette
karin.melnick - AT - uni.lu
+352 4666446206

I am a Professor at the University of Luxembourg

Here is my curriculum vitae as of October 2024.

OPEN POSITIONS in my group:

  • Postdoctoral position in differential geometry : this position has been filled as of 21 January
  • Postdoctoral position in smooth dynamics and transformation groups : application link
  • Ph.D. position in GRACE Doctoral Training Unit : application link
All have the target start date 1 September 2025. The positions are primarily supported by the Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg.

Research Interests

Recent papers:

All older papers:

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Recent and upcoming talks and conferences