Inter$^2$ seminars




Inter$^2$ seminars

The INTER$^2$ seminar is an interdisciplinary and intersectoral seminar, hence its name. It is organised by Christophe Ley's research team MIDAS and team LEGATO from Stéphane Bordas. The goal of this seminar is to invite a person from outside the University of Luxembourg to present, in non-technical terms, their institution and indicate research needs in view of potential collaborations.

Check the schedule below:

Date Location Speaker Company Announcement
2024/03/01 10.00am MSA 3.380 Duc Fehr Center for Distributed Robotics (University of Minnesota) Read more
2024/01/12 2.00pm MSA 3.100 Tobias Landsberg SRA - University Hannover Read more
2023/12/01 2.00pm MSA 3.100 Bernd Grimm LIH Read more
2023/10/25 2.00pm MSA 3.100 Mike Tibolt Arcelor Mittal Read more
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