11th MathSport International Conference

4-6 June 2025

Please read the below information carefully. You can fill in the registration form below .


The fees to attend the conferences are presented below.

Early bird
(< 1 March 2025)
Full price
($\geq$ 1 March 2025)
Academics* €150 €250
Students / Sports professionals / athletes €50 €100
Industry* €250 €300
Online* €50 €100

Note that a proof will be required (student card/certificate or sports licence).

The fees cover:

  • Lunches during the conference
  • Coffee breaks
  • Participation to the social dinner (Meet & Greet)
They do NOT cover the conference dinner. An additional €70 will be added in case the option is selected.

Conference dinner

The conference dinner is optional and not included in the registration fees. An additional €70 will be asked if the participant chooses to attend. You can opt-in to the conference dinner when registering to the conference.


The payment of the registration fees must be done via bank transfer. The details are provided below:

IBAN LU71 0019 2355 9897 2000
Account holder Universite du Luxembourg / F1
Address 2 Place de L'Universite
L-4365 Esch-Sur-Alzette
Maison du Savoir-Serv Finance Compt
Please indicate the below reference : U-AGR-6191-10-K-«Name of the participant»
Note that transfers without missing the transfer reference cannot be tracked and will be lost.

A proof that the bank transfer was completed will be requested. A proof can be a screenshot showing the confirmation of the transfer with the amount and the destination bank account or a bank statement copy (with confidential information being removed).

You will be asked to provide the proof of bank transfer in the registration form or you can send it via email to mathsports25@uni.lu

The registration will be confirmed only when the bank transfer is complete. Registrations with no completed payment will be marked as invalid.


Please note that the form will ask to upload the proof of payment and/or student/athlete justification.

If you have issues visualizing the form, you can also access it from here.
Our Office

Université du Luxembourg
Department of Mathematics (DMATH)
Maison du nombre (MNO)
6, avenue de la Fonte
L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

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