Jean-Marc Schlenker
Mathematics department,
University of Luxembourg
University of Luxembourg
It was a pleasure and an honor to collaborate, over the years, with a variety of colleagues. Here is a list of my past and present collaborators -- those with whom we've written at least one scientific paper, or are intending to write one in the near future.This list is not complete -- work in progress!
- Teodor Banica (Cergy)
- Thierry Barbot (Avignon)
- Julien Bichon (Clermont-Ferrand)
- Francesco Bonsante (Pavia)
- Nicolas Burq (Orsay)
- Qiyu Chen
- Albert Cohen (Paris 6)
- Benoit Collins (Lyons, Ottawa and Sendai)
- Robert Connelly (Cornell)
- Jeff Danciger (U. Texas)
- Pierre Dubois
- Jean-Denis Durou
- François Fillastre
- Colin Guillarmou
- Ivan Izmestiev
- Richard Kenyon
- Kirill Krasnov
- François Labourie
- Cyril Lecuire
- Feng Luo
- Jiming Ma
- Sara Maloni
- Catherine Meusburger
- Gabriele Mondello
- Sergiu Moroianu
- Ion Nechita
- Igor Pak
- Igor Rivin
- Jean-Charles Rochet
- Carlos Scarinci
- Rabah Souam
- Edward Witten
- Andrew Yarmola