Some of my talks have been recorded and are available online. The list of talks only goes back to 2016.
Videos Available Online
Conference talks
November 2024: Journées de géométrie, Paris XIII, France.
May 2024: Discrete Differential Geometry and Dimers, Berlin, Germany.
December 2023: Weihnachtsworkshop on Geometry and Number Theory, Karlsruhe, Germany.
December 2023: Renormalization and Visualization in Geometry, Dynamics and number theory, CIRM, France.
October 2023: Probability and Geometry in, on and of non-Euclidean spaces, CIRM, France.
July 2023: Characters and Moduli of Surfaces, Nara, Japan.
June 2023: Interactions between geometry and topology, in honor of Ivan Babenko, Banyuls, France.
May 2023: Geometry of Riemann Surfaces, Madrid, Spain.
May 2023: Geometry Meeting, Bristol, UK.
October 2022: Let's talk about outreach!, SwissMAP Research Station, Diablerets, Switzerland.
August 2022: Bridges 2022, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland.
July 2022: AMS-EMS-SMF Meeting, Grenoble, France.
July 2022: Geometry Days, Nancy, France.
June 2022: Laplacians on random hyperbolic surfaces and on random graphs, in honor of Nemmers Prize recipient Nalini Anantharaman, Northwestern University, USA.
January 2022: Computation and Reconfiguration in Low-Dimensional Topological Spaces, Dagstuhl seminar, Germany.
September 2021: Journ. CombiTop@Lyon, ENS Lyon, France.
August 2021 (online): Combinatorial Reconfiguration in Discrete and Computational Geometry, Tokyo, Japan.
July 2021: Swiss Knots 2021, Fribourg, Switzerland.
June 2021 (online): Young researchers in Mathematics, University of Bristol.
May 2021 (online): Geometry of discrete groups and hyperbolic spaces, with the support of RIMS, Japan.
May 2021 (online): Special session (AMS sectional meeting): Geodesics in Hyperbolic 2- and 3-manifolds, San Francisco State.
March 2021 (online): Special session (AMS sectional meeting): Groups, Geometry, and Topology, Georgia Tech.
March 2020: French Computational Geometry Days, CIRM.
September 2019: Illustrating Geometry and Topology, ICERM, Brown University.
January 2019: Geometric structures in Nice, Université de Nice.
September 2018: Brussels Summer School of Mathematics, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
August 2018: Geometry and dynamics on hyperbolic surfaces, Swiss Doctoral School Conference (CUSO), Diablerets, Switzerland.
July 2018: Graphs, surfaces, and cube complexes, University of Warwick.
June 2018: Low-Dimensional Geometry and Topology: Discrete and Algorithmic Aspects, IHP, Paris.
June 2018: Geometry, topology of manifolds, and physics, University of Strasbourg.
June 2018: Quantization and Moduli Spaces, University of Luxembourg.
January 2018: Explorations in Geometric Analysis - Discrete and Continuous, CUNY Graduate Center.
September 2017: Astonishing Workshop, University of Nancy.
June 2017: Metric geometry and Finsler geometry, University of Montpellier.
June 2017: Master Class : Contemporary Perspectives in Geometry, University of Strasbourg.
May 2017: Workshop on geometric structures and representation varieties, National University of Singapore.
April 2017: In and around the mapping class group, Barcelona Mathematical Days.
March 2017: Workshop on Enumerative Geometry, IHP, Paris.
December 2016: Geometry of moduli spaces of low dimensional manifolds, PIMS, Kyoto.
November 2016: A new world ... out of nothing, University of Warwick.
August 2016: Geometry, Topology and Dynamics of Moduli Spaces, IMS-NUS, Singapore.
June 2016: Geometric Analysis in Samothrace, a tribute to Gérard Besson, Samothrace.
May 2016: Contemporary Algebra and Geometry in Greece, Anogeia, Crete.
Seminars and colloquia
2025: Lyon (SML Public Talk), IHP (Public Talk)
2024: Berlin, Pi-Day in Liège, Geneva, Heidelberg, Diablerets (Matrix-Imaginary conference), EPFL
2023: Colloquium Bordeaux, Math Encounters (MoMath), Collège de France
2022: Colloquium Loria (Nancy), NUS G and T Seminar (Singapore - online), Combinatorics seminar (IHP - Paris), Colloquium Institut Elie Cartan (Nancy), Math Corps (U. Toledo - online)
2021: Big surf seminar (online), Bristol (online), Heidelberg (online), Geometry seminar ETHZ
2020: Nancy (Colloquium Loria - postponed), Paris XIII (postponed), CUNY (online), K-OS (online)
2019: Grenoble
2018: IHES, Rutgers, CUNY, Neuchâtel, Warwick, Strasbourg
2017: Orléans, Grenoble
2016: IHP, Luxembourg, St. Andrews, Stanford, Strasbourg, Rennes, Fribourg, KIAS, EPF