Florian is a doctoral researcher at the University of Luxembourg. His work consists of trying look at the interface between statistics and machine learning with particular interest in explanable Artificial Intelligence (xAI) The application of his work is mostly around sports analytics and predictions.
"Dans la vie, rien n'est à craindre, tout est à comprendre (Marie Curie)"
"A day without a laughter is a day wasted (Charlie Chaplin)"
"The whole point of science is to open up black boxes, understand their insides and build better boxes for the purposes of mankind (Bradley Efron) "
"In the long run, we're all dead (John M. Keynes) "
Université du Luxembourg
Department of Mathematics (DMATH)
Maison du nombre (MNO)
6, avenue de la Fonte
L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
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