We investigate octagons and pentagons that are "a square with broken corners".
When you draw an octagon on a 3x3 grid (by "cutting" the four corners), do you obtain a regular octagon?
In the former image, we have an octagon at the 3x3 square grid. In the latter image, we have a regular octagon. They are not the same.
The octagon at the 3x3 grid has four symmetry axes. It has a 90° rotational symmetry. There are two different side lengths, whose ratio is . The height is three times the shorter side lengths. The area is 7/9 of the area of the square frame.
Compare the pentagon at the 2x2 grid and the pentagon of the Vichten mosaic.
The two pentagons are irregular. They are convex and symmetric. They both have three 90° angles and two 135° angles.
The pentagon at the 2x2 square grid has three side lengths that are proportional to , ,
The pentagon from the Vichten mosaic has three side lengths that are proportional to , , (it may help to see the pentagon as a quarter of a regular octagon).
Eight-pointed stars
There are two regular eight-pointed stars, namely the 8/2 star and the 8/3 star, see the figures below.
Describe the construction of the two regular eight-pointed stars inside a given a regular octagon.
The two stars consist of selected diagonals of the regular octagon.
The 8/2 star is given by the eight smallest diagonals, among vertices with 2 sides in between.
The 8/3 star is given by the eight intermediate diagonals, among vertices with 3 sides in between.
Draw an 8/3 star starting from an 8/2 star and conversely.
Starting from an 8/2 star, prolonge the eight lines. You get eight additional intersection points which are the vertices of an 8/3 star.
Starting from an 8/3 star, the segments in the interior of the star form an 8/2 star.