Seminars, reading groups, colloquia at the University of Luxembourg:

Together with Bruno Teheux, we organize Mulitplicities. Talks are for all mathematicians and chosen to illustrate the diversity of mathematics and mathematicians. There are several talks each semester.

The Geometry and Topology seminar generally takes place on Monday, although right now there are very few talks due to the ongoing pandemic.

Together with Monique Teillaud and Éric Colin de Verdière, we organized a monthly seminar (with several talks) on the themes related to our "Structures on surfaces" (SoS) project.

Together with Jean-Marc Schlenker and Bruno Teheux, we organized between 2018 and 2020 the MAST lecture series at the University of Luxembourg. This was a collection of math talks (close to a traditional colloquium) and talks about mathematical interactions with other areas.

This webpage has a list of activities related to the "low dimensional geometry and topology hub" of the department and this webpage lists other events organized at UL.

Conference organization:

Geometry, Probability and their Synergies Workshop, les Diablerets, March 2023.

SoS Final Conference, CIRM, May 2022.

Paroles aux jeunes chercheurs, CIRM, November 2021.

Program committee member of Euro CG 2021.

I was an external member of the scientific committee of the French Computational Geometry Days which took place at the CIRM in March 2020 (the last conference before they closed due to the pandemic).

Together with Binbin Xu, we organized the Lost in Translation Surfaces workshop in Luxembourg. It took place Jan. 29-31, 2020 and was organized in the framework of the SoS project supported by an ANR-FNR grant.

Together with Add Jaipong, Sam Kim, Chris Leininger, Jean-Marc Schlenker, Ser Peow Tan and Tengren Zhang we organized a workshop on Combinatorial and algebraic aspects of geometric structures at Chiang Mai University in Thailand which will take place in July 2019.

Together with Florent Balacheff, Gil Solanes and Kroum Tzanev we organized a workshop on Multiple Perspectives on Geometric Inequalities at the CRM (Barcelona) in June 2019. This was preceded by a week of Advanced Courses (also at the CRM) and is part of a whole semester of activities.

I organized the yearly SoS meeting meeting in Luxembourg in November 2018.

Together with Viveka Erlandsson, Youngju Kim, Dragomir Saric, Perry Susskind, and Rob Suzzi Valli, we organized a GEAR Regional Workshop on Geodesics on hyperbolic manifolds and related topics at Connecticut College in August 2018.

Together with Jean-Marc Schlenker and Ser Peow Tan, we organized a Workshop on geometric structures and representation varieties at the National University of Singapore in May 2017.

Together with Stefan Wenger, we organized a small lecture series at the Math Department of Fribourg in June 2015.

Together with Ara Basmajian, we organized a Workshop on Identities at the Graduate Center (City University of New York) in April 2015.

In March 2014 I co-organized a Swiss Doctoral School Conference (CUSO) in the Swiss Alps:
Quadratic forms, lattices and applications

In November 2011, at the Centro Stefano Franscini we held:
The hyperbolic and Riemannian geometry of surfaces and other manifolds


Since 2022, I have been member of the scientific committee of the CIRM.

Conferences as speaker (since 2016):

December 2023: Weihnachtsworkshop on Geometry and Number Theory, Karsruhe, Germany.

December 2023: Renormalization and Visualization in Geometry, Dynamics and number theory, CIRM, France.

October 2023: Probability and Geometry in, on and of non-Euclidian spaces, CIRM, France.

July 2023: Characters and Moduli of Surfaces, Nara, Japan.

June 2023: Interactions between geometry and topology, in honor of Ivan Babenko, Banyuls, France.

May 2023: Geometry of Riemann Surfaces, Madrid, Spain.

May 2023: Geometry Meeting, Bristol, UK.

October 2022: Let's talk about outreach!, SwissMAP Research Station, Diablerets, Switzerland.

August 2022: Bridges 2022, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland

July 2022: AMS-EMS-SMF Meeting, Grenoble, France.

July 2022: Geometry Days, Nancy, France.

June 2022: Laplacians on random hyperbolic surfaces and on random graphs, in honor of Nemmers Prize recipient Nalini Anantharaman, Northwestern University, USA.

January 2022: Computation and Reconfiguration in Low-Dimensional Topological Spaces, Dagstuhl seminar, Germany.

September 2021: Journ. CombiTop@Lyon, ENS Lyon, France.

August 2021 (online): Combinatorial Reconfiguration in Discrete and Computational Geometry, Tokyo, Japan.

July 2021: Swiss Knots 2021, Fribourg, Switzerland.

June 2021 (online): Young researchers in Mathematics, University of Bristol

May 2021 (online): Geometry of discrete groups and hyperbolic spaces, with the support of RIMS, Japan.

May 2021 (online): Special session (AMS sectional meeting): Geodesics in Hyperbolic 2- and 3-manifolds, San Francisco State.

March 2021 (online): Special session (AMS sectional meeting): Groups, Geometry, and Topology, Georgia Tech.

March 2020: French Computational Geometry Days, CIRM.

September 2019: Illustrating Geometry and Topology, ICERM, Brown University.

January 2019: Geometric structures in Nice, Université de Nice.

September 2018: Brussels Summer School of Mathematics, Université Libre de Bruxelles.

August 2018: Geometry and dynamics on hyperbolic surfaces, Swiss Doctoral School Conference (CUSO), Diablerets, Switzerland.

July 2018: Graphs, surfaces, and cube complexes, University of Warwick.

June 2018: Low-Dimensional Geometry and Topology: Discrete and Algorithmic Aspects, IHP, Paris.

June 2018: Geometry, topology of manifolds, and physics, University of Strasbourg.

June 2018: Quantization and Moduli Spaces, University of Luxembourg.

January 2018: Explorations in Geometric Analysis - Discrete and Continuous, CUNY Graduate Center.

September 2017: Astonishing Workshop, University of Nancy.

June 2017: Metric geometry and Finsler geometry, University of Montpellier.

June 2017: Master Class : Contemporary Perspectives in Geometry, University of Strasbourg.

May 2017: Workshop on geometric structures and representation varieties, National University of Singapore.

April 2017: In and around the mapping class group, Barcelona Mathematical Days.

March 2017: Workshop on Enumerative Geometry, IHP, Paris.

December 2016: Geometry of moduli spaces of low dimensional manifolds, PIMS, Kyoto.

November 2016: A new world ... out of nothing, University of Warwick.

August 2016: Geometry, Topology and Dynamics of Moduli Spaces, IMS-NUS, Singapore.

June 2016: Geometric Analysis in Samothrace, a tribute to Gérard Besson, Samothrace.

May 2016: Contemporary Algebra and Geometry in Greece, Anogeia, Crete.

Seminars / colloquia (since 2016):

2024: Coming up: Berlin, Pi-Day in Liège

2023: Colloquium Bordeaux, Math Encounters (MoMath), Collège de France

2022: Colloquium Loria (Nancy), NUS G and T Seminar (Singapore - online), Combinatorics seminar (IHP - Paris), Colloquium Institut Elie Cartan (Nancy), Math Corps (U. Toledo - online)

2021: Big surf seminar (online), Bristol (online), Heidelberg (online), Geometry seminar ETHZ

2020: Nancy (Colloquium Loria - postponed), Paris XIII (postponed), CUNY (online), K-OS (online)

2019: Grenoble

2018: IHES, Rutgers, CUNY, Neuchâtel, Warwick, Strasbourg

2017: Orléans, Grenoble

2016: IHP, Luxembourg, St. Andrews, Stanford, Strasbourg, Rennes, Fribourg, KIAS, EPF