Hidden mathematical female figures

Behind these pictures, you'll find our brilliant students and researchers in the department of Mathematics at the University of Luxembourg. These pictures were created in the framework of our Experimental Mathematics Lab. In this lab, our students and researchers have the incredible opportunity to explore mathematics in new and exciting ways by "experimenting"! Yes, you read it right, experimenting like in physics and chemistry!
Students & researchers in mathematics
Why do you find math so fun and interesting?
Salma Belmir (bachelor student)
Ech hun ugefaangen Mathematik ze studéieren, well ech iwwer Konzepter nogeduecht hunn, déi net vill am Lycée behandelt goufen. D'Universitéit vun Lëtzebuerg bitt speziell Optiounen, wéi experimentell Mathematik, wou mir abstrakt Konzepter kënnen visualiséieren an un Projeten schaffen, déi an anere Universitéten normalerweis net verfügbar sinn. D'interessant a faszinéierend Natur vun dëse Themen mécht meng akademesch Laafbunn spannend an beräichernd.⇨ Salma was part of the project Bizarre fireballs.
Mikala Eisen (bachelor student)
I am Mika, a 21-year-old mathematics student at the University of Luxembourg. Fascinated by mathematics from a young age, I have always wondered why so many students harbor a dislike for the subject. My goal as a future teacher is to reduce this aversion by revealing the beauty and simplicity of mathematics. By balancing rigorous coursework with enriching campus activities, I am well-prepared to make a meaningful impact in the field of education through the discipline of mathematics.⇨ Mikala was part of the project Bizarre fireballs.
Melissa Genoud (bachelor student)
My name is Melissa, I am 21 years old and deeply involved in the world of Mathematics at the University of Luxembourg as I near the completion of my Bachelor's degree. My professional goal is to become a Mathematics teacher in Secondary Education. I am motivated by the prospect of revealing the beauty and practicality of Mathematics to students. My aim is to create an appreciation for the subject, guiding students to overcome any fears they may have about it and show them that Mathematics is about much more than just solving exercises. It is a beautiful science and is to be found everywhere around us.⇨ Melissa was part of the project Bizarre fireballs.
Catia Alves Pires (bachelor student)
Desde pequena, sempre gostei de matemática; foi algo que sempre achei fascinante. Apesar de ter medo de estudar matemática na universidade por receio de não conseguir acompanhar, estou muito contente por ter superado esse medo e estar a fazer algo que realmente amo.⇨ Catia was part of the project Bizarre fireballs.
Quero ser professora de matemática para partilhar a minha paixão com os outros e ajudar a desenvolver o interesse dos alunos. Acredito que, ao tornar a matemática acessível e divertida, posso inspirar os estudantes a verem a beleza e a importância da disciplina. O meu objetivo é ter um impacto positivo na vida dos meus alunos, ajudando a próxima geração a desenvolver um gosto pela matemática e a confiança nas suas capacidades.
Kim Da Cruz (former student, now high-school teacher)
Ech hunn Mathé gäer, well et onendlech vill ze entdecken gëtt an et d'Welt ëm eis eraus präzis beschreift. Mäi Wee huet ugefaangen mat engem Bachelor- an Masterstudium op der Uni zu Lëtzebuerg, wou ech mech an d'Welt vun der Matematik verdéiwen konnt. Ganz besonnesch faszinéiert war ech un den Experimental Mathematics (EML) Projeten, wou ech enner aanerem fir meng Bachelorarbecht iwwer Box Counting an Fractional Dimensions forschen duerft. Dës praktesch Uwendung an d’Entdecken vun neien mathemateschen Konzepter am EML hunn mir vill Freed gemaach an meng Leidenschaft fir d'Fach weider ugestach. Elo wëll ech dës Freed un der Mathé un meng Schüler weiderginn an sie fir dëst Fach begeeschteren.⇨ Kim created the animations for Lët'z box-counting.
Dr. Lara Daw (former PhD student, now senior actuary at AXA)
Mathematics resembles an uncharted landscape, waiting for exploration. Picture yourself standing at the edge of a mathematical forest, surrounded by intricate patterns, elegant proofs, and hidden treasures. As a curious soul, I couldn’t resist delving deeper. This curiosity led me to pursue a PhD in mathematics. Now, as a senior actuary, I’m passionate about applying mathematical principles to tackle complex challenges in finance and risk management. My PhD equips me with a profound understanding of probability theory, statistics, and quantitative analysis, which I use to assess and mitigate risks in insurance, pensions, and investments. My commitment to excellence drives me to continually enhance my skills and contribute to the advancement of actuarial science.⇨ Lara co-supervised the project Lët'z box-counting.
Dr. Guendalina Palmirotta (Postdoctoral researcher)
Schon vu kléng un, hun ech Mathé extrem cool foont. Am Verglaach zu den aneren Lycée's Fächer hun ech mech an der Mathé duerch seng Logik an Strukture erem fonnt. Dat hued mech och dozou gefouert no dem Lycée Mathé ze studéieren an ech hunn et dunn spéider zu mengem Beruff gemaach. Ech fannen et emmer witzeg wei Leit sech rechtfertegen wei schlecht sie an der Mathé waren wann ech hinnen soen dat ech eng Mathematikerin sinn. Mathé ass net esou schwéier an schon guer net esou langweileg wei e mengt. Duerch den Mathematical Experimental Lab well ech den Kanner mä och den Erwuessenen Welt vun der Mathé op eng ganz aner Manéier wéisen an sie iwwerzeegen dat Mathé am Fong Spaass meecht!⇨ Guenda co-supervised the Experimental Mathematics projects: Lët'z box-counting, Bizarre fireballs and created the images for Eye-catching patterns.
Dr. Mélanie Theillière (Postdoctoral researcher)
Pourquoi les maths ? Les maths, comme n'importe quelle science, ont pour but d'apporter des éléments de compréhension. Tout comme une élève qui démonte un stylo, tout comme une bricoleuse qui ouvre un moteur, tout comme une biologiste qui observe un oiseau sur île lointaine, je fais de la recherche mathématique pour comprendre. Comprendre le comportement de fonctions, de surfaces, ou de modèles mathématiques.⇨ Mélanie co-created the picture for Infinity always finds a way.