Hugo Parlier

Hugo Parlier


Department of Mathematics
University of Luxembourg
Campus Belval - Maison du Nombre
6, avenue de la Fonte
L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette
Phone: +352 46 66 44 5648

Who am I?

A mathematician (Full Professor of Mathematics) and Deputy Chair of the Department of Mathematics (DMATH)

What do I do?

Math and then write papers about what is discovered.
Organize, attend, participate in workshops conferences and seminars. These are important venues to communicate research, share ideas and foster creativity.
Outreach is vital, important and rewarding.
Teaching and mentoring students is an important and rewarding part of our jobs. In addition to my teaching duties, I am (Co)-creator and director of the Math Forge initiative and (Co)-creator of the Math Camp initiative.

Our current research group

PhD students: Marie Abadie, David Fisac (co-tutelle with Florent Balacheff)
Post-docs: Alexey Balitskiy, Mingkun Liu, Mélanie Theillière, Kate (Katie) Vokes.